Friday, February 27, 2009

Depression Cooking with Clara

I don't know how many of you have seen the 93 year old great-grandmother who has her own online cooking show on YouTube. She is so adorable! I can't help but think of my grandmother while watching her cook and listening to the stories of her childhood.

Clara Cannucciari grew up in Chicago during the Great Depression. She learned how to cook from her mother who, like everyone else at that time, had very little food to feed their families, often having to ration what they had and very little, if any, money for the necessities of life. Clara shows us in her videos the recipes she learned from her mother and how to make the most of what you've got. Through her stories, she makes you realize just how fortunate we really are, even in light of our economic situation today.

Along with her grandson, Christopher Cannucciari, not only does Clara make her cooking videos, she will also have a DVD out soon with all the episodes from her first series. She is also working on a cookbook which will contain all of her recipes from the series and more. Visit her website at Great Depression Cooking for details and also links to all of her cooking videos.

Clara, with all of her wisdom and energy, is truly an inspiration.

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